Cheyen på Maxi

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Killing time? time kills you!
Gick med
27 Jul 2007
Rossis förra
drysen och maxi tjejen är idag lyckligt gifta och har 3 barn, tjejen har befodrats och jobbar nu mera bakom kött disken på maxi :)

så va sagan slut

ap ap ap ap, oss lurar du inte, 3 barn redan? killen startade tråden nyligen inte hinner han med tre barn.:tungan du har nog blivit lurad av nån som inte vågade berätta hur man gör barn på riktigt:pannkyss


Leave the kid alone!



Ny medlem
Gick med
2 May 2006
Astrimmad R1-06
ap ap ap ap, oss lurar du inte, 3 barn redan? killen startade tråden nyligen inte hinner han med tre barn.:tungan du har nog blivit lurad av nån som inte vågade berätta hur man gör barn på riktigt:pannkyss

3 adopterade moppe-pojkar tror de är bara vad jag tror.


Sporthoj® Gold™ account holder
Gick med
4 Dec 2006
Internationella Rymdstationen, ISS
Debrief the mission, private!

Echo Romeo India Kilo reporting back to base. Was unable to establish contact with the target for severel days due to target was no where to be found, so decided to not give any further reports until first contact with the target was established.

Almost out of hope and ready to give up I noticed at 09:36 AM that I was in need of a pencil sharpner, so left the security of my temporary basecamp and headed south on a heading of 176 degrees, to "Area Maxi", to see if I could find a pencil sharpner and make contact with the target.

At approxmently 10:12 AM at line... 3... or 4.... first eyecontact with the target was made. The que made slow progress forward and suddenly I found myself standing in front of the target. With only seconds to establish a safe contact with the target... I failed... due to I'm a fucking coward... I just payed for my pencil sharpner and left.

While outside Maxi I thought to myself: "The fuck am I doing? This is what I've been waiting for!" So bravely I went back in to buy some yoghurt... Went straight back to the targets line... almost... I walked around in Maxi for some time to get some courage... Then I wrote my number on the receipt that the target gave me before when I payed for the pencil sharpner, went straight back to targets line and waited for my turn.

When standing in front of the target once again, target said: "Hej igen :)" I replied: "Ja hej igen :)"
Payed for my yoghurt, she gave me the receipt, and gave the receipt I wrote my number on to her and said: "Jag tycker du ska ha det här :)". Target looked confused, looked at the recit and saw my number, smiled and looked at me and I ";)" at target, then I left.

First part of mission is completed, will report back when targets been penetrated. Echo Romeo India Kilo, out.


Det kan aldrig vara för mycket rosa....
Gick med
10 Oct 2003
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