Nån här som kör med den inbyggda laptimern i sin crossplane ?
Det är säkert busenkelt men..........Hur gör man på banan, är det bara att trycka in startknappen vid en specifik punkt varje varv och sedan tar den och sparar 20 varv i minnet som man sedan plockar fram.
Split time measurement
1. Push the "RESET" button to start the stopwatch.
2. Push the start switch "SET" button to measure split3times. Split times are displayed onthe odometer display for five sec-onds.
3. Push the start switch "SET" button to display the finalsplit time or push the "SELECT"button to stop the stopwatch and display the final split time.Split time history" or "RE-1. Coolant temperature display/air intake tem-" or "RE-perature display2. StopwatchThe split time history displays up to 20stored split times. The split time historycan be displayed either in reverse chro-nological order or by speed.1. Push the "SELECT" button for atleast one second to select the re-verse chronological order mode;"L-20" displays on the stopwatch.Push the "SELECT" button againto select the speed mode; "F-20"displays on the stopwatch.TIP122. Push the "RESET" button. De-3. Push the "SELECT" button toTIP3-11●Reversechronologicalmode: The split times are shownfrom the latest to earliest (i.e., L1,L2, L3, L4).●Speed order mode: The split timesare shown from the fastest to slow-est (i.e., F1, F2, F3, F4). pending on the selected split time, "L1" or "F1" displays on the coolant temperature display/air temperature display, and its corre- sponding stored split time displays on the stopwatch. switch the displayed split time in ascending order (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4), and the "RESET" button to switch the displayed split time in de- scending order (i.e., 20, 19, 18