Daniel (YPVS)


Ny medlem
Gick med
15 Dec 2004
Belgien, Gent
KTM 625, GSX750ES

As you know Daniel was operated yesterday.
They started the operation at 9a.m. and at 6p.m. the hospital called me to let me know he was out of the operation room and was being transported to the intensive care.

They were still keeping him sedated and also hooked up to a breathing machine. I had to call back at 8p.m..
At 8 the situation was not clear yet, they were going to try to wake him up and let him breathe himself (hallå!!! TRY to wake him????), so I had to call back around 10.
At 10 everything was ok, he woke up, was breathing himself and was stable :banana
But the nurse thought it was a bit too late for me to come over and see him. "I am not going to sleep before I see him!!!" So I went over to the hospital and saw a very awake and happy (maybe because of painkillers) Daniel.

He had no pain (a bit annoying feeling in the back) and was very proud to be able to cough without hurting himself.
We checked his legs (functionality and so) and we don't think the operation caused more damage. The right leg was still strong.

He didn't feel like sleeping (had been asleep for appr. 12 hours) and this morning I called in and the nurse said he indeed hadn't slept that much. Normally this afternoon he can leave the IC, so that is good news.

It was a damn long day yesterday but it seems everything went well and that's a relieve. He even asked for a hamburger :pannkyss



Ny medlem
Gick med
15 Dec 2004
Belgien, Gent
KTM 625, GSX750ES
The doctor visited Daniel yesterday and said the operation went well.
They did not puncture the longue, but sew off a piece of one of his ribs and the pelvis. This they used to place the new carbon piece in his spine.
The piece got secured by a lot of screws and metal plates, making sure it won't losen again.

The carbon piece they inserted the first time, the doctor could just pluck out of Daniel's spine, it was completely lose and had a 5 mm latitude... He was surprised Daniel didn't go crazy with pain (which he did by the way). As comfort, he got the first carbon piece and can keep it. Will post a pic soon.

So now new and bigger carbon is inserted and Daniel is left to heal. He's trött all the time and still recovering from the long operation.

Normally he should be back in Ghent (and online) next week.



Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Syrrans 883 och en Nikon Deetree.
Isa skrev:
The doctor visited Daniel yesterday and said the operation went well.
They did not puncture the longue, but sew off a piece of one of his ribs and the pelvis. This they used to place the new carbon piece in his spine.
The piece got secured b........from the long operation.

Normally he should be back in Ghent (and online) next week.


Tell Daniel that our thougths are with him!



Ny medlem
Gick med
15 Dec 2004
Belgien, Gent
KTM 625, GSX750ES
As promissed a picture of the carbon piece they initially inserted into Daniel's spine.
They took this one out and put a new and bigger one in.
Pic was taken day after operation that's also why Daniel looks so pale.

At this moment he is getting oxygen supplied, because he has some trouble breathing properly by himself.
If he is back from the hospital he will try to scan some of his x-rays he said and post them....


click for large


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Back, again...

Pretty tough operation this time but at least not as tough as it could have been.
They found an, eh, inventive way in to my spine and therefor didn't have to puncture lounge etc. Not as much bowl stuff needed to be taken out as well so my stomach started towork much faster after the operation than before, puh.

So, 2*30 cm cuts one on the back and one on my side. They sawed off a rib and moved some stuff around and voila. From the back they checked that no nerves was cought in scar tissue and connected to my old carbon piece. From the front the were gonna tap it out and replace it. It was 5mm clear already and he just lifted it out with his fingers.
Now, before the operation he said that probably it will be the protestetic vertebra that moves some fractions of a mm and that can give this kinds of terrible painchocks, mine ratteled around 5mm! ...

So, 5mm bigger piece was put in and A LOT of blue anodized Pro Bolts etc was used to pull the neighbouring vertebras together to keep it all steady. My old piece of carbon I have here and there is actually a M3 blue titanium ProBolt running through it with a titanium nut on the other side. I wonder which bikeshop they pich them up in. :rolleyes:
Ah, the rib they cut off was used as well and are now connecting my L1 to L3 in an arch for even more stability. Looks completely sick on the X-Rays. A piece of bone was then sawed out of y hipbone and crushed to fill up the carbon part to make new bone grow through it.
After that 9 hours had gone and they wrapped up and stapeled me together.

When I woke up 13h after the start Isa came within an hour and I stated that I wanted a hamburger and go home. Sleep, rest? Nah, I've been sleeping for 20 hours the last 22 so no way. I feel good to go. Mighty, mighty drugs they have. After an hour like that I was down for the count until monday 6 days later when i suddenly felt a bit better and sat up in the chair for a while. Tuesday evening back to Gent revalidation center, gotta get back to training now, growing crazy with not doing almost anything for a month because of all the problems. I am however still a bit uncomfortable because of the cuts and clamps everywhere so sleeping, laying or sitting is still a bit of a bitch but that should grow better in the days to come.

But, most importantly. Not one painchock since wakeup so problem solved it seems. :)
A few more weeks, days of that on that level and I would have started to think about checking out...

Now I am gonna anjoy a breakfast of easily digestible food and start my day however. Thanx :)

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F.d Hybridpilot
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
2 röda och en gul
Saknar fortfarande ord. Hoppas som fan att det blir bra denna gång. Tänkte (tänker ofta) på dig när jag var till Ticksta och tävlade. Brummade ut mot norrtälje i transportern och skrattade lite för mig själv, pink pass, 140 km/h i bussfil osv, när jag till min fasa kommer på att jag inte har skinstället med mig!! Det ligger kvar hemma garaget. U-SVÄNG!! Jag hann den här gången med.


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
farmerlip skrev:
Saknar fortfarande ord. Hoppas som fan att det blir bra denna gång. Tänkte (tänker ofta) på dig när jag var till Ticksta och tävlade. Brummade ut mot norrtälje i transportern och skrattade lite för mig själv, pink pass, 140 km/h i bussfil osv, när jag till min fasa kommer på att jag inte har skinstället med mig!! Det ligger kvar hemma garaget. U-SVÄNG!! Jag hann den här gången med.
Haha, jag har den storyn kvar här nånstans... Slänger upp den lite senare kanske... Det var skitkul och storyn blev ganska bra...



Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Helt sjuk historia hur de byter saker i dig osv....

Får en klump i magen varje gång nåt nytt dyker upp.
Skönt att det gick bra och att du fortsätter vara positiv :tummenupp
Kämpa på !!!

PS SNYGGT skägg förresten :tummenupp ;)


Ny medlem
Gick med
15 Dec 2004
Belgien, Gent
KTM 625, GSX750ES

I just got back from Stockholm.
Daniel is now in Karolinska University Hospital, since today.
He will stay in isolation 3 days and then they will probably operate his foot after which he should go to rehab centre Spinalis.
If any of u want to contact him, send me a pm.
Daniel should be online soon however. But since I am already back in Belgium, I do not know how soon. I fly back to Sthlm 22nd July.

isa (pic Daniel in hospital, the 3rd one now...)


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Brisbane, Australien
Yamaha R6-08
Just pratat med Daniel...
Han ligger på Karolinska, i R-huset på 8:e våningen....

Man får hälsa på honom trots att han ligger isolerad i tre dagar...
Han skulle säkert uppskatta besök från sina vänner, då det i nuläget inte finns så mkt att göra utan internet och så.... :(

Jag drar dit idag efter jobbet... Om ni vill nå Daniel, så kan ni pm:a mig eller via msn messenger....



Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Wheeliegirl skrev:
Jag drar dit idag efter jobbet... Om ni vill nå Daniel, så kan ni pm:a mig eller via msn messenger....

Ta med jättestora hälsningar ! :)


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Dank U wel...

Ute för helgen nu men Karolinska var bra som fan. Tom käket är ätbart.
Skriver lite mer när jag har en egen uppkoppling...



It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Så stapplade man då tillsist sina första steg sen olyckan.

Det gick inte fort och det var vingligt som fan + att jag måste ha ett rakbensstöd men iaf.
Funderar på att fixa en papegoja att sätta på axeln och en flintlås picka att ha i bältet innan jag fortsätter. Kanske börja kalla mig Long John Daniel och råna båtar på de Begiska kanalerna.


(champagne kväll här)


Slipar röven
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
yamaha xt660r
ypvs skrev:
Så stapplade man då tillsist sina första steg sen olyckan.

Det gick inte fort och det var vingligt som fan + att jag måste ha ett rakbensstöd men iaf.
Funderar på att fixa en papegoja att sätta på axeln och en flintlås picka att ha i bältet innan jag fortsätter. Kanske börja kalla mig Long John Daniel och råna båtar på de Begiska kanalerna.


(champagne kväll här)

Vart håller du hus nu? KS, belgien eller sverige nånstans?

Edit: Och snygga steg, ser slitigt ut, men framåt som sagt var :tummenupp
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It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Var på KS i Juli ett tag och kommer till Svea imorgon för att träna på Spinalis (träningscenter för ryggmärgsskadade) from onsdag.
Jag kommer att träna där i 6-8 veckor skulle jag tro, det beror på hur fort jag fixar att gå stabilt med kryckor och stappla lite säkrare korta sträckor utan. När jag känner mig vettigt säker på det får det vara nog med sjukhus och skit och jag tänker fortsätta träna själv.
Kommer förmodligen till Beviks Cup racet nästa tisdag och mekar samt coachar lite som det ser ut dessutom.



Ny medlem
Gick med
15 Dec 2004
Belgien, Gent
KTM 625, GSX750ES
ypvs skrev:
Så stapplade man då tillsist sina första steg sen olyckan.

Det gick inte fort och det var vingligt som fan + att jag måste ha ett rakbensstöd men iaf.
Funderar på att fixa en papegoja att sätta på axeln och en flintlås picka att ha i bältet innan jag fortsätter. Kanske börja kalla mig Long John Daniel och råna båtar på de Begiska kanalerna.


(champagne kväll här)

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