Sales of low-polluting cars in China going down.....
"" The sales of lower emission cars are down in China. During the first half of this year, sales of these cars are down 11.67 percent, according to an article published by the Chinese official news agency, Xinhua. The data is important because car sales in China were up a 30 percent in 2006.
Experts blame this on several factors such as the lack of social status smaller cars have or the lower awareness of some premium ecological models. "If a low-emission car made in China could match the New Beetle or the Mini's performance, it would be warmly welcome", said Lang Xuehong, chief of the automotive department at Sinotrust. Lang affirms that local manufacturers get a very small profit from less-polluting cars (around 100 USD) which reflects in the lower quality of these models.
According to a recent study by Sinotrust Marketing Research & Consulting, less than 20 percent of 15,000 interviewed potential car buyers would consider a low-emission vehicle as their first purchase option. So far, not a single low-emission vehicle was in the top-20 sales ranking, whereas last year, a few models (from QQ and Xiali) were in the list.
China has over 20 million privately-owned cars
The number of privately-owned cars in China reached 20 million for the first time at the end of 2006, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics.
At the end of 2005, the number of civilian-owned cars was 31.6 million, of which 18.52 million were privately-owned, or 58.6 percent.
China sold 7 million cars in 2006, 60 percent of which went to private buyers. Specialists say that the number of privately-owned cars in China was close to 22 million at the end of 2006, which makes China the second largest auto market in the world, behind the USA.
At present, there are 30 cars for every thousand people in China, which is far below the world average of 120 cars. """"
Blir intressant att se vad Kina gör för att hejda miljöförsörelsen, när man ser till utvecklingen av att komma upp hur många fordon det kommer att vara i trafik om bara ett eller två år...
Det vi sysslar med i sverige, som att spotta i stillahavet. Spelar ingen roll hur mycket vårat bränslepris går upp, hur mycket vi källsorterar....länder som precis har kommit så långt i sin uveckling, där Alla snart har råd att ha eget fordon fullständigt bryr sig noll i miljön, bara man kan ha en häftig och statusfylld effekt....Tror att Centerns Maud Olofsson och hela miljöpartiet har ett gediget arbete framför sig...gör ett studiebesök i Kina som exempel, försök att påverka den enkla arbetaren som precis får råd till eget fordon...den globala miljökonsekvensen faller tungt.