

Din info är väl för att siri ska tilltala dig med namn?
Kanske det men jag väntar med att trixa med Siri.
Läser man handboken så visst kan man ringa upp med svensk röst när Siri är avstängd.


Hypotetisk fråga: om man skulle vara missnöjd med en app/program man köpt på App Store, hur går man tillväga om man ångrar sig och vill ha pengarna tillbaka?


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 May 2007
Speed Triple 1050 -05
Hypotetisk fråga: om man skulle vara missnöjd med en app/program man köpt på App Store, hur går man tillväga om man ångrar sig och vill ha pengarna tillbaka?

Gör du direkt i iTunes:

Affär -> Visa mitt konto (bekräfta med lösen)
Purchase History -> See all

Välj app i fråga och välj "Report a problem". Välj runt i listan på bästa beskrivning samt komplettera med egen text.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
För den som orkar fixa.

How to Sync iPhone with More than one Computer [Tutorial]

How to sync iPhone with multiple computers.

One of the biggest flaws of iTunes is that if you ever want to sync your iDevice with a different computer it will erase all data present on your Device. Now-a-days, most people own more than one PC such as Laptop for Work use and Desktop Computers. Every time you want to connect your Device with your other system, it will erase all data and it is really annoying. However, we have found a solution to cope with this problem.

You can follow this step by step guide to sync your Device with more than one computer. This will help you in future to sync all your Devices with Different computer.


iTunes installed on your PC
UltraEdit (for windows users)
HexEdit (For Mac Users)

sync iPhone with multiple PCs:

1.Go to “iTunes” Folder which is usually present

On PC My Documents > My Music > iTunes

On Mac it is in Music Directory

2. Copy these two files

a. “iTunes Music Library.xml”

b. “iTunes Music Library” (Tunes Music Library.itl on PC)

And save them on another directory, these are the files which are to be modified to do the Sync Process.

3. Download Software (UltraEdit or HexEdit) for perspective OS and install it.

4. This is the step of finding iTunes Library ID against which your iPhone is Sync.

Open the “iTunes Music Library.xml” with the UltraEdit

And go to the entry between the <string></string> tags, after “Library Persistent ID”.

5. Write down this entry on a piece of Paper or copy it to a Text File, to make Text File Go to Desktop

Right Click > New Text Document > and Paste that Code here

On Secondary Computer:

6. On the Other Computer, Open the Same File (iTunes Music Library.xml) Follow Step 4 to do that

7. Again, find the entry between the <string></string> tags after “Library Persistent ID” and copy this entry exactly as in the Step 5.

8. After copying this Entry Paste the Entry which was copied in Step 5. Make sure you do not change anything else, and the length of the entry is 16 characters/digits. Save this file and close it.

9. Go to the Second File Tunes Music Library.itl.

On PC open it by using UltraEdit and on Mac by Using Hex Edit

In Edit Options Select Find and Replace for Hex Edit and Replace for UltraEdit.

10. Enter the Text saved in the Step 5 and Replace it with the text in Step 7 save the File.

Viola! You have successfully done it. Start iTunes on the machine you wish to sync with and plug in your iPhone. When you select “Manually manage music and videos” you will no longer be prompted to erase your data, nor will the files on your iPhone be grayed out.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Bärbar AccesPunkt för att enkelt spela upp filmer on the go :)

For iPad and Mobile Devices, a ‘Port’ out of the Norm

FEBRUARY 8, 2012 AT 6:04 PM PT

The pocket-size USB flash drive has become nearly ubiquitous in the PC world, for moving files among machines and for adding extra storage. But it can’t be used with most tablets because they lack standard USB ports.

Now, there’s a special, modified, pocket flash drive that works as usual with PCs and Macs, but can transfer and stream files to popular mobile devices without standard USB ports, such as Apple’s iPad and iPhone, Amazon’s Kindle Fire and many other Android devices. Its secret: It has built-in Wi-Fi to beam the files to and from tablets and smartphones wirelessly. It can even stream files like videos to many devices simultaneously.

It’s called the AirStash and is made by a tiny company called Wearable Inc., and distributed by Maxell Corp. It’s available at Amazon.com and a few other retailers for $150 for an 8 gigabyte model, which can increase the storage capacity of a base iPad by 50 percent. An AirStash model with 16 gigabytes is $180.

The AirStash is a clever device that solves a genuine problem, though not without some issues. In my tests, it worked as advertised, without crashing or exhibiting bugs. But it’s pricey and has one big drawback: When a device is connected to the AirStash via Wi-Fi, it can’t be connected to the Internet. The company plans a fix for that as early as next month.
The AirStash looks like other USB flash drives, except a bit wider. Its storage is provided by a removable SD memory card that pops into the bottom edge. You can substitute your own larger card. In fact, you can swap in the memory card from your camera and beam your photos.

This product is aimed at the iPad and iPhone, and the company has a free app for those products that makes it easy to manage and view the files on the drive. But its wireless file transfers also work, via the Web browser, on non-Apple devices, even computers. And the company plans an Android version of the app.

A typical way to use the AirStash would be to first plug it into your computer like any flash drive and copy onto it photos, documents, videos, podcasts or songs. Then remove it from the computer and press a small button on the front of the AirStash that turns on its Wi-Fi network. Next, you connect your iPad to this network, launch the AirStash app and all the files on the drive show up.

The AirStash app allows an iPad to create a new directory on the drive, below.
From the app, you can view documents, play songs, watch videos, view photos or listen to podcasts. On a non-Apple device, there’s no special app, but you can still access the content on the drive. You just link up to the AirStash Wi-Fi network, launch your Web browser and go to airstash.net. A page appears with a list of the drive’s contents.
AirStash performed some feats I found impressive. In one test, I was able, from about 75 feet away, to flawlessly watch three movies stored on the AirStash at the same time on three devices. I had “Inception” playing on an iPad, “The King’s Speech” playing on a Kindle Fire and “Star Trek” playing on a Dell laptop. I stress, none of these movies was stored on the devices—all were stored on the AirStash.

In another test, I was able to watch a movie on an iPad, play a song on an Android-based Motorola Droid and read a PDF file on a Mac, simultaneously. Once again, all these files were stored on an AirStash drive 75 feet away.

The AirStash can beam material to as many as eight devices at once, except for video, where the limit is three devices. It can beam the same video to three devices at the same time. A parent could use one AirStash to provide different videos to each of three kids during a drive in the car.

Wearable, the maker of the AirStash, boasts it works in both directions: You can also write files to the AirStash from a device like an iPad. Technically, this is true. For instance, from the AirStash app, you can export photos stored on an iPad or iPhone to the drive.
But several iPad apps for viewing or editing documents, which the company says work with AirStash, require a geeky setup process, and I couldn’t get them to send edited documents back to the drive.

There are some other limitations. For instance, on non-Apple devices, the Web interface is rudimentary, and on the Kindle Fire, music can’t be streamed from the AirStash.
Finally, unlike most other flash drives, the AirStash has a battery to power its Wi-Fi. The company claims up to seven hours of continuous battery life between charges, and while I didn’t do a formal test, the battery life seemed good to me. You can recharge the device either through a standard USB wall charger, like those that come with cellphones, or by plugging it into the USB port of a computer. In the latter case, the Wi-Fi capability can’t be used while charging.

If you’re pining for easier file transfer or expanded storage on your iPad, iPhone or other mobile device without a standard USB port, the AirStash might be the ticket, albeit an expensive one.

Email Walt at mossberg@wsj.com.

Harmon Rabb

Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
1 May 2004
Beställt en vit 4S 32 gig igår. Lär väl få den nästa vecka någon gång. Min gamla 3G vill flickvännen ta över. Har själv tagit bort operatörslåset på den. Fungerade perfekt.
Last edited:


Eddie Riders MC Munkewalley
Gick med
3 Nov 2008
2016 Harley-Davidson Breakout
funderar på en iphone pga android lurarna känns så billiga och plastiga.
jag har en htc desire första generationen och den känns som en iphone i handen."kvalitet" men dom nya lurarna känns inte bra så jag överväger att byta OS starkt.
kan jag fortfarande ha mitt gmail konto kvar om jag skaffar en ajfån:confused:


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
funderar på en iphone pga android lurarna känns så billiga och plastiga.
jag har en htc desire första generationen och den känns som en iphone i handen."kvalitet" men dom nya lurarna känns inte bra så jag överväger att byta OS starkt.
kan jag fortfarande ha mitt gmail konto kvar om jag skaffar en ajfån:confused:

Du kan ha vilket konto du vill (om det är email du tänker på).
Lurarna som följer med iPhone är inga höjdare de heller.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
13 Mar 2006
kan man gå in i butik och köpa en olost iphone eller är det appstore som gäller? Macforum?


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
2 Oct 2005
Tillfällligt utan
funderar på en iphone pga android lurarna känns så billiga och plastiga.
jag har en htc desire första generationen och den känns som en iphone i handen."kvalitet" men dom nya lurarna känns inte bra så jag överväger att byta OS starkt.
kan jag fortfarande ha mitt gmail konto kvar om jag skaffar en ajfån:confused:

Ja det kan du


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
3 May 2003
Hornet 600 och en Buell XB9r med delad vårdnad
Går det att ta bort operatörslåset på en iPhone 4 med 5.0.1?

Har googlat, men det finns hundra olika besked från olika datum.


Gick med
17 Aug 2008
Går det att ta bort operatörslåset på en iPhone 4 med 5.0.1?

Har googlat, men det finns hundra olika besked från olika datum.

Om den är äldre än 12mån så kan du gå till operatören och få det gjort där... kan kosta en trehundring men sen behöver du inte oroa dig för uppdateringar and shit. :tummenupp


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
3 May 2003
Hornet 600 och en Buell XB9r med delad vårdnad
Om den är äldre än 12mån så kan du gå till operatören och få det gjort där... kan kosta en trehundring men sen behöver du inte oroa dig för uppdateringar and shit. :tummenupp

Ja, jo, fast om man vill vara gangster då?


Gick med
30 May 2003
Någon som låst upp sin iPhone 4 med TRE?

Kostar visst nåt på 1000kr om man inte haft abbet i över två år.

Någon som har tips?
Helst i Gbg.

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