MotoGP - Tester inför 2007.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Är det bara jag som reagerar på att Hoffmann faktiskt kör riktigt fort?:va

Ikke!! Såg d oxå igår att Hoffman går riktigt fort runt PI. d,Antin o Ducati/Bridgestone kommer få ett riktigt intressant -07. Som sagt tidigare, det blir svårt att stapla seger på seger under -07, vilket såklart vrider moto gp racen ett moment åt rätt håll. :)

Hoppas självklart att du har fel och att Suzuki kan vara med där uppe även när det är race och slåss med Honda, Yamaha och Ducati.

Det är nog lugnt ser att Kenny jr o Marco oxå gått dåligt idag som Hopper/Chris men är med då det gäller :tummenupp
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Ny medlem
Gick med
21 Jan 2006
Kawasaki Z1000, Triumph Bobber, Honda CB 750 Four
Läste detta på "Bla bla bla...,while Toni Elias and Marco Melandri on their Gresini bikes sandwiched Suzuki's Chris Vermeulen."

Så dom håller på... :va


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
En LÄNK till en film från testet på PI, som nog inte varit uppe än.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Barros o Hofmann namnen på allas läppar efter PI testerna..

MotoGP News - Barros Stuns on Bridgestones
Reigning world champion Nicky Hayden may have topped the time sheets at the end of the three-day testing this week at Phillip Island in Australia, but it was Alex Barros who stunned the paddock after he topped the time sheets in a surprise show of form during the first two days of testing with the 36-year-old Brazilian getting the best out of his new Bridgestone tyres.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
Barros o Hofmann namnen på allas läppar efter PI testerna..

MotoGP News - Barros Stuns on Bridgestones
Reigning world champion Nicky Hayden may have topped the time sheets at the end of the three-day testing this week at Phillip Island in Australia, but it was Alex Barros who stunned the paddock after he topped the time sheets in a surprise show of form during the first two days of testing with the 36-year-old Brazilian getting the best out of his new Bridgestone tyres.
"...på allas läppar..."?

Utveckla. Och varför inte passa på att skingra dimman kring den obegripliga kampanjen för det japanska däckfabrikatet. Tror du har tangerat 40-strecket för antalet inlägg om Bridgestone nu.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Yamaha R7 -24
2748197 "...på allas läppar..."?

Utveckla. Och varför inte passa på att skingra dimman kring den obegripliga kampanjen för det japanska däckfabrikatet. Tror du har tangerat 40-strecket för antalet inlägg om Bridgestone nu.
Han kanske gillar Bridgestone och följer deras utveckling och vill promota "sitt" märke. Avundsjuk på ett syfte i livet? :D seså. Lugna sig. Inget att bli arg över. Eller är det något att bli arg över så är det tecken på för lite annat att snacka om, eller att syssla med i övrigt. Hehe!

Jag ska själv köra Bridgestone-puckar men kommer inte säga bu eller bä förrän om 5 veckor då jag ska köra på dom för första gången på Cartagena.


Tider från dagens test på Sepang:

1. Colin Edwards – Yamaha Racing 2’02.175 – 47 laps
2. Valentino Rossi – Yamaha Racing 2’02.221 – 40
3. Randy de Puniet – Kawasaki Racing 2’02.966 – 85
4. Makoto Tamada – Yamaha Tech 3 2’03.219 – 68
5. Olivier Jacque – Kawasaki Racing 2’03.959 – 60
6. Sylvain Guintoli – Yamaha Tech 3 2’06.558 – 55
7. Andrew Pitt – Ilmor GP 2’08.640 - 49

Ilmor har lite att göra...


∑√ I L
Gick med
14 Jul 2003
Sunnersta, Uppsala
650Xmoto och ZX9R
"...på allas läppar..."?

Utveckla. Och varför inte passa på att skingra dimman kring den obegripliga kampanjen för det japanska däckfabrikatet. Tror du har tangerat 40-strecket för antalet inlägg om Bridgestone nu.

Kallas det product placement även på ett forum? ; )

Bla bla
tider tider
Ilmor har lite att göra...

Ja jag trodde att de skulle kunna byga lite mera konkurenskraftiga hojjar!
Men en bilmotor är ju faktiskt väldigt olik en mc motor!
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Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
News - Sepang, Malaysia 05/02/2007
Rossi and Edwards get back to work in Sepang

The Yamaha Factory Racing Team’s second test of 2007 got underway in Sepang, Malaysia today, with Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards back out onboard their prototype 800cc machines for another three-day test. With most teams having chosen to test in Australia last week, Yamaha decided to return to Sepang and take advantage of the relatively quieter atmosphere this week, sharing the track with just five other riders from Tech 3 Yamaha, Kawasaki and Ilmor.

With temperatures slightly lower than at the previous test, Edwards and Rossi, who set the first and second fastest times of the day respectively, spent the day working on the set-up of the new bike and testing some new parts for Yamaha and Ohlins. Both riders were very happy with the day’s work and reported significant improvement to the stability of the bike under braking, laying the groundwork for what they hope will be two more encouraging and fruitful days of testing as the March 10th deadline of the first race looms ever closer.

Colin Edwards
Position: 1st

Time: 2’02.175

Laps: 47

“Well I’m definitely feeling better than I did last time…I think everyone was a little bit rusty after the break but it’s ‘situation normal’ again now and I’m feeling much stronger on the bike. I’m pretty happy with today’s work; I’m already fast and the bike keeps on feeling better and better. Over the first 42 laps we did today we only used two different rears so it’s clear that the tyres are working well too. We concentrated on Yamaha stuff today and we made a huge step forward with the rear shock. We knew things still weren’t perfect in that area, but we’ve made a big change today and the stability of the bike under braking has improved 100% as a result. Tomorrow we’re going to focus more on tyres with Michelin and hopefully things will keep on improving.”

Valentino Rossi
Position: 2nd

Time: 2’02.221

Laps: 40

“Today we worked a lot on bike set-up and we’ve tried a few different directions, focusing mainly on the new rear shock we have from Ohlins and on the braking. What we’ve seen and understood today is very positive and this makes me very confident about the next few days of testing. We decided to come back to Sepang, where there would be fewer teams testing, in order to be more relaxed and less focused on lap times. This is the way we are planning to work throughout the test. Anyway, my lap times are already fast so of course we’ll keep trying to improve in the next two days. Tomorrow we will concentrate more on working with Michelin and testing new tyres. At the moment we’re waiting for some new engine parts from Japan; we’re looking for more horsepower, but this is the bike we have and I am very happy about how things are going at the moment.”

Davide Brivio - Team Director
“Today has been a good first day, in a nice relaxed atmosphere without too many other people around. Today we focused almost exclusively on set-up work and we had some new material to try, which has given our riders a better feeling with the bike. We’ve clearly improved the general set-up for both riders and also made some great steps on the braking, which was one of our key areas to work on during this test. We got some very useful information today, which we can continue to develop over the next two days, and I am happy with the results of our first day.”
Unofficial Lap Times
1. Colin Edwards (USA) Yamaha 2'02.175

2. Valentino Rossi (ITA) Yamaha 2'02.221

3. Randy de Puniet (FRA) Kawasaki 2'02.966

4. Makoto Tamada (JPN) Yamaha 2'03.219

5. Olivier Jacque (FRA) Kawasaki 2'03.959

6. Sylvain Guintoli (FRA) Yamaha 2'06.558

7. Andrew Pitt (AUS) Ilmor 2'08.640

Sepang Lap Record (990cc)

Loris Capirossi (Ducati) 2006 - 2'02.127

Sepang Best Lap (990cc)

Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2006 - 2'00.605


Sepang Test: Day 2
Unofficial Times

1. Valentino Rossi- Yamaha Racing 2’02.099 – 53 laps
2. Colin Edwards- Yamaha Racing 2’02.118 – 44
3. Randy de Puniet – Kawasaki Racing 2’02.554 – 67
4. Makoto Tamada – Yamaha Tech 3 2’02.745 – 46
5. Olivier Jacque – Kawasaki Racing 2’03.761 – 60
6. Sylvain Guintoli – Yamaha Tech 3 2’05.002 – 50
7. Andrew Pitt – Ilmor GP 2’07.923 - 47

Guintoli drygt 2 sekunder efter Tamada...
OJ 1,2 sekunder efter sin teamkompis...
Ilmor verkar vara helt lost, nästan 6 sekunder(!) efter Rossi...
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Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
2750895 Sepang Test: Day 2
Unofficial Times

1. Valentino Rossi- Yamaha Racing 2’02.099 – 53 laps
2. Colin Edwards- Yamaha Racing 2’02.118 – 44
3. Randy de Puniet – Kawasaki Racing 2’02.554 – 67
4. Makoto Tamada – Yamaha Tech 3 2’02.745 – 46
5. Olivier Jacque – Kawasaki Racing 2’03.761 – 60
6. Sylvain Guintoli – Yamaha Tech 3 2’05.002 – 50
7. Andrew Pitt – Ilmor GP 2’07.923 - 47

Guintoli drygt 2 sekunder efter Tamada...
OJ 1,2 sekunder efter sin teamkompis...
Ilmor verkar vara helt lost, nästan 6 sekunder(!) efter Rossi...
Guintoli sa att han medvetet skulle ta det lugnt för att inte krascha i onödan.
Jag kan fortfarande inte förstå varför de signade Jacque.....


Info från Yamaha om dagens test:

Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards continued their relentless march towards the first race of the season with another promising day’s work in Sepang today. Having concentrated on trying new parts for Yamaha yesterday, it was Michelin’s turn today and the Yamaha Factory Racing riders spent most of the day testing new tyres, with the Malaysian temperatures providing the ideal proving ground for the latest generation of Michelin rubber.

The Yamaha pair consolidated yesterday’s good work with another day of fast times, both dipping under the 990cc lap record pace on race tyres. Tomorrow both riders will complete a long-run, before the team packs up and heads west to Qatar for the next round of pre-season testing.

Valentino and crew

Valentino Rossi
Position: 1st
Time: 2'02.099
Laps: 53

“Today we tested some new tyres for Michelin, both front and rear. We haven’t found any special improvements to the front since the last test, but for the rear we tried something interesting to improve the edge grip. I’m very happy because I think we’re working in the right direction and we have definitely made improvements in this area. We have also continued to work on the stability in braking, changing the set-up in order to improve this even more. Finally today we worked on the engine mapping, as this year fuel consumption is going to be a very important factor. I am gaining more understanding of this new bike every day and I have a really good feeling with it. Tomorrow we will make a long run in order to compare with our data from the last test, and it will be interesting to see how all the improvements we’ve made this week make a difference to the performance of the bike over a race-distance.”

Colin Edwards

Colin Edwards
Position: 2nd
Time: 2'02.118
Laps: 44

“It was pretty warm today and I had to go out in the hottest part of the day to test tyres, so that was quite hard work! Anyway we got through a whole lot more stuff today and things are getting better and better. We tested a couple more new things for Yamaha and then did a lot of tyre work with Michelin. Looking back at the last test, just a couple of weeks ago, everything has evolved so much since then it’s amazing! We’ve moved forward an incredible amount over just five days of testing so far this year, so that bodes well. Last time here I was doing low 2’03s comfortably, but this time I’m doing low 2’02s lap after lap and they’re coming so easily, without me really having to push too hard at all. We’ve got a long run to do tomorrow and a few more loose ends to tie up, but we’re in good shape!”

Davide Brivio - Team Director
Today both riders focused on tyres and we had some new material from Michelin. It was a very interesting day all round. Generally speaking, in these two days we have made small but important improvements compared to the previous test here. Tomorrow both riders will make a long-run and we will see if these improvements will be crucial towards race-performance.”

Unofficial Lap Times
1. Valentino Rossi (ITA) Yamaha 2'02.099
2. Colin Edwards (USA) Yamaha 2'02.118
3. Randy de Puniet (FRA) Kawasaki 2'02.554
4. Makoto Tamada (JPN) Yamaha 2'02.745
5. Olivier Jacque (FRA) Kawasaki 2'03.761
6. Sylvain Guintoli (FRA) Yamaha 2'05.002
7. Andrew Pitt (AUS) Ilmor 2'07.923

Sepang Lap Record (990cc)
Loris Capirossi (Ducati) 2006 - 2'02.127

Sepang Best Lap (990cc)
Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2006 - 2'00.605
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