Silly Season MotoGP....

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En intervju med Chuck Aksland, chef för KR där han berättar lite om varför de inte tog emot Biaggi och Camelpengarna:

“Personally, I don’t know Max [Biaggi] very well. When I have talked to him it’s been cordial and fine. So I can’t really say anything bad about him. He’s never done anything bad to me. You hear things, but it’s not my place to say. But just talking to other people that he’s worked with, you could see that he could make for a difficult situation. The last thing we would need right now is a difficult situation.”


Don't call it a comeback
Gick med
10 Mar 2003
Sveriges Jerusalem
Honda RS125R
Inga Gauloises/Fortuna Yamaha nästa år

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. hereby announces that Altadis/Seita's sponsorship regarding Yamaha's Factory MotoGP Team will not continue after the end of the 2005 season.

For more than 40 years, Yamaha has successfully participated in the Road Racing Grand Prix World Championship and it has become the leading manufacturer of the MotoGP competition.

Altadis/Seita have been sponsors of the Yamaha Factory MotoGP project for the past three seasons under both the Fortuna and the Gauloises brands, during which time the companies shared two world championship victories in the MotoGP class in 2004 and 2005.

Yamaha will announce its 2006 MotoGP program in January 2006.


Kör lätt modifierad och aptrimmad GSX1100
Gick med
3 Sep 2004
Lätt modifierad GSX1100
Och svaret kom direkt:

Ännu en sponsor som sportens stora pissat på skrev:
"As of today, Yamaha Motor Company has announced that 'Altadis/Seita's sponsorship regarding Yamaha's Factory MotoGP Team will not continue after the end of the 2005 season.'

"Yamaha's announcement comes while the two companies are still in the midst of negotiating the terms of a settlement agreement that would amicably resolve the dispute that arose between them earlier this year.

"Altadis considers that Yamaha is still bound by a legal obligation that prevents Yamaha from collaborating with sponsors whose products compete directly with the Gauloises brand or with Altadis products for the 2006 season.

"Altadis laments that Yamaha, even while acknowledging that 'Altadis/Seita have been sponsors of the Yamaha Factory MotoGP project for the past 3 seasons under both the Fortuna and the Gauloises brands during which time the companies shared 2 world championship victories in the MotoGP class in 2004 and 2005,' appears poised to disregard the significance of the Altadis investment in that project.

"In the absence of a settlement, Altadis will not hesitate to seek the appropriate legal remedies if Yamaha fails to abide by its legal obligations towards Altadis and the Gauloises brand."

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Altadis är ju kvar som sponsor för Gresini Fortuna Honda.

Fan vad grymt om Yamaha kör i ett eget fabriksteam nästa år! :tummenupp


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
sandstream skrev:
“Personally, I don’t know Max [Biaggi] very well. When I have talked to him it’s been cordial and fine. So I can’t really say anything bad about him. He’s never done anything bad to me. You hear things, but it’s not my place to say. But just talking to other people that he’s worked with, you could see that he could make for a difficult situation. The last thing we would need right now is a difficult situation.”
Det låter ju som värsta sortens kärringskvaller. Pinsamt.


Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
sandstream skrev:
Ingen rök utan eld...
Eller utan skvallerkärringar.

Man kan ju vända på det också. Sito Pons som till skillnad från de flesta skvallerbyttor har jobbat med Biaggi var först i kö att ge honom ett kontrakt vilket ju verkar helt stolligt om man ska tro alla "playahaters".

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Altadis svar på Yamahas pressrelease.

"As of today, Yamaha Motor Company has announced that 'Altadis/Seita's sponsorship regarding Yamaha's Factory MotoGP Team will not continue after the end of the 2005 season.'

"Yamaha's announcement comes while the two companies are still in the midst of negotiating the terms of a settlement agreement that would amicably resolve the dispute that arose between them earlier this year.

"Altadis considers that Yamaha is still bound by a legal obligation that prevents Yamaha from collaborating with sponsors whose products compete directly with the Gauloises brand or with Altadis products for the 2006 season.

"Altadis laments that Yamaha, even while acknowledging that 'Altadis/Seita have been sponsors of the Yamaha Factory MotoGP project for the past 3 seasons under both the Fortuna and the Gauloises brands during which time the companies shared 2 world championship victories in the MotoGP class in 2004 and 2005,' appears poised to disregard the significance of the Altadis investment in that project.

"In the absence of a settlement, Altadis will not hesitate to seek the appropriate legal remedies if Yamaha fails to abide by its legal obligations towards Altadis and the Gauloises brand."

Suzuki med huvudsponsor 2006?

"Whatever colour the bike is next year - which I can't say right now - we want to see it on the TV, because if you can see it on TV it means you're competitive and that's got to be the target," he concluded.

Denning's comments regarding bike colour, and his earlier reference to sponsorship, reinforces rumours that the team will have a title sponsor for the first time since Telefonica Movistar left at the end of 2002.

Rizla, Camel and Red Bull - which backed the team at this year's US GP - have all been linked to the position."

MC Doktorn

The Altadis

Is a Group is a European tobacco company, which manufactures and distributes tobacco products.

"Altadis considers that Yamaha is still bound by a legal obligation that prevents Yamaha from collaborating with sponsors whose products compete directly with the Gauloises brand or with Altadis products for the 2006 season.

Kasta ut tobakssponsorer ur sporten.


Gustav O skrev:
Eller utan skvallerkärringar.
Man kan ju vända på det också. Sito Pons som till skillnad från de flesta skvallerbyttor har jobbat med Biaggi var först i kö att ge honom ett kontrakt vilket ju verkar helt stolligt om man ska tro alla "playahaters".
För det hade nog inget att göra med Biaggis Camel-pengar, eller vad tror du?

"But just talking to other people that he’s worked with, you could see that he could make for a difficult situation."
Ovanstående tolkar jag som ett fint sätt att säga att Biaggi är svår att jobba ihop med.
Om flera "skvallrar" om samma sak brukar det finnas ett lite uns av sanning bakom och jag tror nog att uttalandet ovan är gjort efter lite mer än en tjuvlyssning vid fikat.


Está demasiado frío!
Gick med
24 Jul 2003
Hojlös f n. fd KTM, Moto Guzzi, Yamaha, GasGas, BSA
Vore kul,
Kuben var ju den snyggast hojen i depån
och med 2007-års-reglerna så kan en trepip
bli konkurrenskraftigt. 2006 kan vara ett mellanår
att testa prylarna IRL.
Största problemen var väl vibrationerna så att gå
ner till 800cc redan nu kan t o m göra det till en bättre
maskin med en erfaren pilot som utvecklare.

Chris Ash

Kapten Gars
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
En gammal en
sandstream skrev:
För att väcka tråden lite:
Tror ni Hopper kan nå den absoluta toppen eller kommer han aldrig bli bättre än topp 10-förare?

Man ska ju aldrig säga aldrig, men hittills har han inte visat nånting som tyder på det.

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Valentino Rossi
Colin Edwards

Tech 3 Yamaha
James Ellison

Repsol HRC
Dani Pedrosa & Nicky Hayden

Fortuna Gresini Honda
Marco Melandri & Toni Elias

Konica Minolta JIR
Makoto Tamada

Honda Pons
Carlos Checa

LCR Carrera Sunglasses Honda
Casey Stoner

Marlboro Ducati
Loris Capirossi & Sete Gibernau

D'Antin Ducati
Alex Hoffmann & Jose Louis Cardoso

Team Kawasaki
Shinya Nakano & Randy de Puniet

Team Suzuki
John Hopkins & Chris Vermeulen

Jeremy McWilliams

KR Honda
Kenny Roberts JR

Max Biaggi


Kör lätt modifierad och aptrimmad GSX1100
Gick med
3 Sep 2004
Lätt modifierad GSX1100
sandstream skrev:
Denning om Hopkins potential:

För att väcka tråden lite:
Tror ni Hopper kan nå den absoluta toppen eller kommer han aldrig bli bättre än topp 10-förare?
Hade han haft denna "massiva potential" så hade det synts tecken på det de senaste fyra åren. Han får bita ihop så han hamnar i topp-10, för han är inte ens där än.


Gick med
4 Feb 2004
Chris Ash skrev:
Man ska ju aldrig säga aldrig, men hittills har han inte visat nånting som tyder på det.

Hans första år på 500an såg det lovande ut tycker iaf jag.... sen -02 när han körde 500an mot alla 4-takt o placerade sig hyggligt var oxå ok..... sen han kom till Susushi så har det ju gått "sådär"

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