Ska man vara orolig för Ryssland?


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird

"Russian President Vladimir Putin did not accept the US-Ukrainian proposal for a temporary ceasefire along the frontline and reiterated his demands for a resolution to the war that amount to Ukrainian capitulation.

Putin demanded on March 18 that Ukraine stop mobilizing (i.e. recruiting and training) forces during a potential temporary ceasefire.

Putin also called for a halt to all foreign military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine but did not discuss Russia's military support from North Korea, the People's Republic of China (PRC), and Iran."

Two stroke man

Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
12 Apr 2005
Där jag tar av mig hatten
Har tappat räkningen
Såklart när Ryssland har problem med bränsle till fordonen så vill Putin helt plötsligt acceptera ett eld upphör endast mot energiinfrastruktur.

Fattas bara att Trump börjar kräva av Ukraina att det ska implementeras.

Samtidigt fortsätter Putin att bomba sjukhus.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
25 Jan 2012
KTM 1290 Super Adventure, Honda CB650 -80

"Russian President Vladimir Putin did not accept the US-Ukrainian proposal for a temporary ceasefire along the frontline and reiterated his demands for a resolution to the war that amount to Ukrainian capitulation.

Putin demanded on March 18 that Ukraine stop mobilizing (i.e. recruiting and training) forces during a potential temporary ceasefire.

Putin also called for a halt to all foreign military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine but did not discuss Russia's military support from North Korea, the People's Republic of China (PRC), and Iran."
Såklart när Ryssland har problem med bränsle till fordonen så vill Putin helt plötsligt acceptera ett eld upphör endast mot energiinfrastruktur.

Fattas bara att Trump börjar kräva av Ukraina att det ska implementeras.

Samtidigt fortsätter Putin att bomba sjukhus.
Mästerförhandlaren slår till: Putin slipper få energi/bränsle-depåer bombade och Ukraina får...tada...fler bombade sjukhus!

Vi får säkert en lektion i hur Trump bara trollar Ukraina och har Putler precis där han vill...🤔


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
25 Jan 2012
KTM 1290 Super Adventure, Honda CB650 -80
Så vem bombade energianläggningen i Kursk?
Ukraina och Ryssland skyller på varandra.
Vore väl smart av båda...🤔


Gick med
16 Oct 2010
Literklubba, tjejhundra, och pendlarmoppe
Vem brukar ljuga?

En bättre fråga är väl vem som spenderat 3 år med att bomba energiinfrastruktur?
Men det är ju krig. Ryssland får nog vara glada för att Ukraina inte spränger en energianläggning i Ryssland varje gång som Ryssland bombar dylika i Ukraina.
För att inte tala om skolor, sjukhus och annat som Ryssland bombar.


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird
Just det...

"Kyiv, March 20th, 2025: A Greenpeace special mission has visited the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant in order to investigate the current state of the New Safe Confinement Shelter (NSC). The NSC was hit by a Russian drone on February 14th, which exploded and punctured the roof causing fires that have led to major damage to the roof structure. The fires were confirmed as having been extinguished on March 7th, three weeks after the attack, but fire services remain on alert.

The lead engineer for the Chornobyl NSC and Sarcophagus, Artem Siriy, told the Greenpeace team that 50 percent of the north roof as well as the south roof and side walls of the Chornobyl NSC had been affected by burning caused by the Russian drone attack. There is severe damage to the roof cladding material and damage to critical structures, including the crane system, as well as the potential for initiating corrosion as a result of intrusion of snow and water under the Chornobyl NSC arch. As a consequence, the structure is no longer functioning as designed and licensed. "

" It is early in the damage analysis process, but the initial assessment is that the entire project’s future is uncertain at best. Because of the high radiation levels above the Sarcophagus, it is very possible that the entire Chornobyl NSC will have to be moved back on its rail system to where it was constructed before repair can be made at an enormous cost"

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