Markus skrev:
Jag har inte påstått att du påstått någonting, det var en fråga (eftersom jag är okunnig i ämnet). Frågan var alltså om det är allmänt vedertaget att USA stött samtliga de övergrepp i Syd och Mellanamerika som bl.a. vänstern påstår att de gjort. Finns det bevis? Vilka? Det kröp fram något om Kissinger härom veckan ang Argentina, som var mindre smickrande.
Beträffande Churchills gasattacker så erbjuder jag dig tillfället att utbilda en sämre vetande som aldrig hört talas om det.
Ok först Churchill:
Bombningen utfördes av Royal Air Force 1923 när kurderna inte ville ingå i Irak, som var ett land skapat av Storbritannien.
Klipp från Guardian resp Federation of american scientists
There is a certain irony in the timing of this transatlantic adulation. As Tony Blair and Bush trot the globe warning of the evils of chemical weapons, Churchill hardly stands out as a role model. As president of the air council in 1919, he wrote: "I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes." A few years later mustard gas was used against the Kurds. Nor did his distaste for the "uncivilised" stop there. He branded Gandhi "a half-naked fakir" who "ought to be laid, bound hand and foot, at the gates of Delhi and then trampled on by an enormous elephant with the new viceroy seated on its back".
Officials of the Royal Air Force said, `Sir, we would like to be given permission to use these weapons against `recalcitrant Arabs.' The recalcitrant Arabs were what is today Iraqis and the like.
Winston Churchill said, `Of course. What are the qualms? In war, why you use every means available. What is the difference between a chemical weapon and an artillery shell?'
Even though he approved it, it was not until 1923 that the British Royal Air Force did use it against Iraqis in what is now Iraq and with untold and unreported deaths and injuries. But we know it was used first by us, civilized whites or Westerners. So we had better remember this before we start casting judgments
Återkommer när jag ätit om latinamerika.