Här är svaret jag fick från Topham.
2x Needle jet: 784-232301-Y-2 / 10,53 Euro/each.
2x Jet needles: J8-5EI85 / 9,96 Euro/each.
Postage to Sweden ( pre-payment ) 2,50 Euro.
You might also need the following gaskets ( you will find out when you dismantle the carb ! )
2x O-Ring underneath the plastik Throttle valve quide: N138198 / 1,15 Euro/each
2x O-Ring for the Jet block: 616-92003 / 2,44 Euro/each
2x Float bowl gasket: N209005 / 5,21 Euro/each
Please advise, thanks.
Regards - S. Topham
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: Needle and "emulsiontubes" for Yamaha TRX 850
I need new needles and emulsiontubes for my -96 Yamaha TRX 850.
It´s called "dusennadel" and "nadelduse" in german I think.
Are you able to supply me with these parts, and if so, how much would it cost including postage to sweden ?
Summa 450 riksdaler plus lite o-ringar ~500:- Verkar klart prisvärt.
HansJ: Dina tyskakunskaper lurade mig iallafall

Fick intrycket att detta var en kille du rekommenderar ??