Besviken på deras dåliga koll...
Order was received 05/05/2011 (16:49)
Mail konversationen:
Hi my order of a (small) Arai RX-7 GP Fonsi Nieto Helmet has been on In procces for a few days now, just wonder if any problems have came up with the shipment?
Thank you very much for your order.
We are very eager to dispatch your order as fast as possible.
We will try to send it within 2 next weeks.
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
So it means in other words that u dont have the helmet in stock?
Fc-moto: (Dom svarade inte på mailet)
Now has it gone more then three weeks and still the helmet has not been shiped yet? What is going on?
Dear Costumer,
we will check the delivery time and contact you as soon as possible.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
FC-Moto Team
Hello were is my helmet? seriously, i want more info then "i tell you when we get the helmet from arai" Cut the crap now, its over a month since i ordered it.
Dear Customer,
first of all sorry for the trouble and the late answer, sadly i have to inform you that the helmet have waiting time due production/shipping problem,
according to Arai the helmet will be delivered approx. 23/06.
Fick mailet idag, 10 juni.
DRA ÅT HELVETE JÄVLA PISS FC MOTO! Jag skiter i om det är billigt, varför betala mindre för en sak man iaf inte får? Dom kan väll iaf ha lite koll så att dom kan maila oss som köpt saker som inte kommer i tid. Undra hur det skulle se ut på alla arbetsplatser om det skulle vara så här? Idioter...