Vintertester 2007/08.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
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Nä. Jag bara retar dig! :tungan Men det är väll 4:de gg du konstaterar det, tror jag. :)
Och jag skriver det lite för att retas med RR-esteterna, du vet de där som aldrig trodde att en gatsoffemupp som Hayden skulle kunna knipa guldet i kungaklassen ;)

Men för att vara lite mer allvarlig trodde jag faktiskt att Lorenzo skulle vara snabbare än sina gamla kombatanter i 250. Vann han 2 titlar enbart pga bättre material?
och där blev det helt plötsligt att träning bara är träning, även för dig!? :D
Nja, Peters Hayden-hat är lite tjatigt.


Slipar röven
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
yamaha xt660r
Men för att vara lite mer allvarlig trodde jag faktiskt att Lorenzo skulle vara snabbare än sina gamla kombatanter i 250. Vann han 2 titlar enbart pga bättre material?

Inte enbart, han har klar talang, men Honda har inte direkt satsat mycket på 250 de senaste åren, så Dovi har haft klart underläge, men ändå gjort överjävligt bra ifrån sig. Finns många duktiga i 125 och 250 som verkar komma igång nu.
Men som vi sagt innan, ge grabben lite mer än ett par tester innan du sågar honom.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Men för att vara lite mer allvarlig trodde jag faktiskt att Lorenzo skulle vara snabbare än sina gamla kombatanter i 250. Vann han 2 titlar enbart pga bättre material?

Tror bara att Lorenzo har lite mera behov av tillvänjning av en ny hoj än vad dom 2 andra som kommer från samma klass haft. Han kanske jobbar efter ett annat sätt att lära sig om hojen så tider för att hamna högt upp i listorna är inget som legat i högsta prioritet än. Blir nog lite skillnad på detta testets sista dag då testförbudet kommer inträffa efter det. Lite mera prestige då att varit snabbast.


Grand Prix Mechanic
Gick med
4 Jul 2004
Nja, Peters Hayden-hat är lite tjatigt.

Jaså, jag hatar Hayden? Bra att du informerar mig om det, jag kände inte själv till det. :tummenupp

Lite ironiskt är det allt att just du som blev röstad som mest tjatig/irriterande/? på hela SH gärna tar på dig rollen att läxa upp andra. :hihi


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Shinya Nakano
"I'm very satisfied. We worked with method and the atmosphere in the garage is relaxed and friendly. Today we tested some new front tyres, finding a good direction. Then we worked on the balance and finally we tested a qualifying tyre. I'm very happy with today's lap time with qualifying tyre, but we need to improve the pace with race tyres. In particular, we need to improve the set up, but I also have to improve my riding style in order to get the maximum out of this bike".

Alex de Angelis
"I didn't expect to finish 4th and I'm very happy. This result is an extra motivation for the team too. This morning we tested some new front tyres and we worked on the setting. I continue to familiarise with the electronic setting and I feel a little bit more confident. I'm quite satisfied with race tyres too. We could do a little bit better, but we lost a part of the afternoon session because I crashed, fortunately without consequence. Thanks to the ideal weather conditions, I could complete many laps and take the most out of today's test session".

Valentino Rossi
“Today we made longer runs than yesterday and our times were still consistent, which means we are working in the right direction. We still are still missing something in terms of performance, but for sure we are making improvements in terms of constancy. Bridgestone has brought quite soft tyres here to Jerez, because they expected lower temperatures, so I am sure that with some harder material we could do even better. The pace is not bad at all and it is similar to the one I had in the race here at the beginning of the past season. I could probably have done even better today with the material I had, but I kept some “margin” to improve tomorrow. Tomorrow we will test some more qualifying tyres and we will also make a long run. Today we tested 2007 tyres, but tomorrow I will have some brand new tyres in order to find more grip. Of course we need to work on the bike, too; the bike’s power delivery puts a lot of pressure on the tyres, so we need to make it “sweeter”. Generally speaking this is what I was waiting for: new motivation and a lot of fun, and in fact I am having a lot of fun with the new tyres. I am looking forward to starting the next season because it will be exciting and interesting, but before that I want to finish this test in the best way and then start again in January in order to arrive at Qatar in the best possible shape”.

Davide Brivio –Team Manager
“Today was another positive day for us. We are still working on “discovering” the Bridgestone world, which is brand new for us. We are testing several different solutions, reviewing all possible material from Bridgestone to find the best way to achieve our goal. Today we continued from where we finished yesterday to see how to adapt the bike to the new tyres and we also tested two different qualifying tyres. The rider’s feeling was positive, so we look forward to working in the same direction tomorrow.”

Jorge Lorenzo
“Today it went even better than yesterday, despite my fall this morning, which was due to the fact that I entered turn 11 too fast and I slid out. Fortunately I did not hurt myself at all and I immediately got back on the track. Today we improved in the hard braking areas: now I feel that I am braking later and riding more cleanly. Today we also tested a new front tyre and I found it to be quite good, so I think we will keep working in that direction tomorrow. Today I only tested race tyres and I am quite satisfied with the times, but I am sure we can improve further tomorrow.”

Daniele Romagnoli – Team Manager
“Unfortunately today’s fall slowed down our working schedule a little, but despite this we used all the information we collected yesterday in order to improve the bike set-up even more. For sure we improved the bike stability in braking and going into the turn, working on the overall set-up and particularly on suspension and bike geometry. Day after day Jorge is more and more the “owner” of his bike, he gets more confidence and now we need to improve the traction a little bit, but we have some good ideas and information for tomorrow. We also found a good front race tyre and we will keep on working on that tomorrow. Generally speaking it was a positive day for us and we look forward to making further improvements tomorrow.”

Cirano Mularoni Team Manager, JiR Team Scot
“Today was a good day. Andrea at the moment stays in some of the top positions overall for the two days with his lap time of today. All the riders have been using the soft tyre for the best lap and Andrea also took advantage of this and he is second rider overall that uses Michelin tyre so this is good for us. So, it has been a satisfying day. Tomorrow our work must continue but I think that everyone has been impressed with the way Andrea has methodically gone through things with us and his feedback to the technicians has been very good also.”

Andrea Dovizioso
“Today went better than yesterday and I was quite fast and not too far from the lap record, although some other riders were a little faster than me. Like yesterday I’m not so worried about this or the overall time. The last two runs were on qualifying tyres and it was very strange for me! These were not such perfect laps because for me there was so much-grip from the rear, but this also causes some chatter from the front-end of the bike and you have to brake early so I still need some time to learn how to get the best from qualifying tyres. We made some improvements today to make the RC212V more stable at the front, although we still have some work to do to improve stability under braking. But overall I am happy!”

Gianni Berti Technical Coordinator, JiR Team Scot MotoGP
“We had a very positive day today. We did a lot of work with Michelin and did a thorough tyre test. We improved with race tyres and it is good to see Michelin doing some good work with Andrea as they are following his requests, which is very positive for us. Today that was the most important point. We didn’t make many setting changes just mapping changes and this also meant that Andrea had the chance to get more used to this track on the MotoGP bike. He tried qualifying tyres today, but again the priority was that he improved on race tyres, which is much more important.”

Dani Pedrosa
“We ended up with the fastest time of the day which is nice, and the day’s testing was pretty productive. We started quite late again this morning after waiting for the track conditions to warm up and we also spent quite a lot of time stopped in the garage making machine setting changes, but this is normal for testing. In the afternoon we did more laps, making further set-up adjustments and continuing the work from yesterday. We’ve been doing short runs of not many laps because it’s a new bike and there are many small things to adjust. When we have done this base work we will begin to do longer runs. My fastest lap today was on qualifying tyres because it’s important to see how the bike reacts with the extra grip. It was not a bad lap time, especially since it’s the first time with this bike on qualifiers at Jerez, though we’re not at the level that we were at the end of the season when I took the four pole positions in a row. We didn’t have time to test the other Michelin tyre options here today so there’s plenty of work still to do tomorrow.”

Nicky Hayden
"I think we picked up where we left off yesterday and the test went quite well again. We didn’t work any miracles out there but we chipped away at the times and made some improvements. I wasn’t a lot faster today but I was able to take a little bit off the lap time and was certainly more consistent in my pace than before. I think everyone in front of me today used qualifying tyres and as far as the team knew nobody went faster than 1m 40.6s on race tyres, which is pretty encouraging because yesterday I was definitely off by a couple of tenths on race tyres. Today we were right in there, the team’s done a good job and we had quite a good day. We were trying some quite big changes with the chassis set-up today which is what you have to do to learn how the bike reacts and behaves in different conditions. Overall we collected a lot of useful information and hopefully we can keep the progress going tomorrow.”


Men som vi sagt innan, ge grabben lite mer än ett par tester innan du sågar honom.
Jag tycker det luktar en ny Biaggi redan nu :D
Lite ironiskt är det allt att just du som blev röstad som mest tjatig/irriterande/? på hela SH gärna tar på dig rollen att läxa upp andra. :hihi
Nja, det gällde faktiskt bara racingforumet om jag inte minns fel. Kolla med NT, han hade tydligen behov av att få det svart på vitt.

Att du inte uppmärksammat ditt eget genomskinliga Hayden-hat är ett mysterium :va


Gå loss...
Gick med
18 May 2003
2006 R6
Nicky Hayden
"I think we picked up where we left off yesterday and the test went quite well again. We didn’t work any miracles out there but we chipped away at the times and made some improvements. I wasn’t a lot faster today but I was able to take a little bit off the lap time and was certainly more consistent in my pace than before. I think everyone in front of me today used qualifying tyres and as far as the team knew nobody went faster than 1m 40.6s on race tyres, which is pretty encouraging because yesterday I was definitely off by a couple of tenths on race tyres. Today we were right in there, the team’s done a good job and we had quite a good day. We were trying some quite big changes with the chassis set-up today which is what you have to do to learn how the bike reacts and behaves in different conditions. Overall we collected a lot of useful information and hopefully we can keep the progress going tomorrow.”

Hayden vinner 2008...


Ny medlem
Gick med
31 Mar 2005
Gixxer 1000
West och Melandri imponerar inte...

Läste någonstans att West fortfarande var skadad, någon som vet om det stämmer?
Vad är Melandris ursäkt? Trodde/hoppades att han skulle ligga tätt bakom Stoner direkt..

Hoppas på bättre tider från honom idag.

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Men för att vara lite mer allvarlig trodde jag faktiskt att Lorenzo skulle vara snabbare än sina gamla kombatanter i 250. Vann han 2 titlar enbart pga bättre material?
Om du läser citaten så ser du att Lorenzo körde enbart på racedäck och inte kvaldäck vilket Gresininteamet gjorde. Min gissning är att Dovisiozos tid är på kvaldäck.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Honda CBR1000RR TKR
Mera comments....

Randy De Puniet, Honda LCR, 7th – 1’40.820
“This morning we worked to improve the rear grip trying different solutions for the suspension and the rear tyres. The results were not really good but, after lunch, we had some new adjustments on the bike balance and geometry and every time I went out was I was more confident. I clocked some consistently fast times on race tyres – I did not use any qualifier today – because the machine was more rideable. I feel satisfied about the work we made today but I am pretty sure we can go faster. I came in a bit earlier because this second day of testing has been very long and tiring. We got some progress in some areas but in other areas we still have some work to do tomorrow”.

Casey Stoner, Ducati, 8th 1m 40.833s (32 laps)
"Everything was going very well today. We were focusing on tyre testing, as we had planned, when I crashed at turn three. I hit the ground pretty heavily with my left shoulder. Straight away the injury was really painful, so I went to the Clinica Mobile where they fitted me with a sling and strapped the shoulder. We will wait and see how I feel tomorrow but I think it's going to be difficult to continue this test."

Marco Melandri, Ducati, 13th 1m 41.424s (77 laps)
"Today has been a long and tiring day but we got through a lot of work. This morning we continued working on chassis geometry, changing the weight distribution until we found a set-up I liked. Then we started on the suspension and we did a good job with that too. At that point the track temperature dropped, so we decided to postpone tyre testing until tomorrow. I'm happy with what we've done so far because my target is to understand the bike as well as possible, and if several riders hadn't used use qualifying tyres today the lap times would be closer."

Tyst som i graven från Hopkins, som det inte verkar gå någe vidare för på Jerez....
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Det är uppenbart vem du har bestämt dig för att inte tycka om.
Du med flera kan ta åt er äran för det ;)

Om du läser citaten så ser du att Lorenzo körde enbart på racedäck och inte kvaldäck vilket Gresininteamet gjorde. Min gissning är att Dovisiozos tid är på kvaldäck.
Bra gissning! :tummenupp

De fem första körde enligt uppgift på kvaldäck vilket ger Haydens tid en annan dignitet och han behöver inte vara så ledsen över att vara snabbast på racedäck.
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Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
De fem första körde enligt uppgift på kvaldäck vilket ger Haydens tid en annan dignitet och han behöver inte vara så ledsen över att vara snabbast på racedäck.

Du vet iofs inte om Hayden var snabbast på racedäck eftersom endast förarnas snabbaste tider är publicerade. Alla fem framför Hayden lär ju kört snabbare även på racedäck. :)


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Randy de Puniet has crashed twice on the third and final day of MotoGP testing at the Jerez circuit in Spain.

The French rider escaped injury in a crash under braking at the final corner earlier in the session, and he has just crashed the LCR Honda again on the entry to Turn Eight. The former factory Kawasaki rider escaped uninjured in both crashes, as he tries to adapt Ohlins suspension on the RC212V.


Jerez 2007-11-29 kl 12:30

1. Edwards (Yamaha) 1.40.781 (19v)
2. Hayden (Honda) 1.41.018 (6v)
3. Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1.41.135 (16v)
4. De Angelis (Honda) 1.41.213 (19v)
5. Dovizioso (Honda) 1.41.396 (12v)
6. Toseland (Yamaha) 1.41.415 (12v)
7. Pedrosa (Honda) 1.41. 609 (11v)
8. Nakano (Honda) 1.41.830 (11v)
9. Melandri (Ducati) 1.41.982 (19v)
10. Rossi (Yamaha) 1.41.987 (13v)
11. Hopkins (Kawasaki) 1.42.155 (7v)
12. De Puniet (Honda) 1.42.481 (4v)
13. West (Kawasaki) 1.42.634 (13v)
14. Canepa (Ducati) 1.43.256 (24v)
15. Okada (Honda) 1.43.370 (13v)
16. Itoh (Ducati) 1.44.794 (24v)
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