Busaberg skrev:
Det är inte 180 gradaren som kallades "two up" ? På en fyra blir det ju att cylindrarna tänder parvis.Borde hursomhelst gå att ta reda på.En motor med 90 grader tändföljd låter fränast i vilket fall
Nu hittade jag lite grejor.
"The 89 model was an improvement but still a real beast. HRC had changed the firing order, from an even 90 degrees to a semi-big bang 180 degrees, to calm the V4's maniacal power delivery".
Taget ur "Thunder from down under". Detta innebär att den hoj som kördes 1989-1991 hade 180 graders tändföljd. Det är den här motorn som Doohan valde att köra med 1997 och som kalldes screamer.
"For '97 Doohan decided he wanted to run a 180-degree motor. HRC didn't like the idea but he was mighty fast during first tests, and when Criville tried the screamer it spat him off at 120mph. Doohan knew he could regain an advantage with the engine, for engine management technology made it more rideable than the old 180-degree V4s and tire technology had caught up too. Plus the screamer sounded so much better."
Detta sägs om Big Bang-konfigurationen.
"HRC built several different motors in their search for that user-friendly power delivery. Finally, they settled on the Big Bang, that fired all four cylinders within 70 degrees, giving the rear tire time to regain traction between each salvo."
Slutsats:Jag hade rätt hela tiden