Men, men, men... Vill ha V8 ju...
Inget ont om din bil Jörgen, jag vet att den är extremt fin och pålitlig (även om jag inte fått se den in the flesh ännu...). Det bara är nåt speciellt med stora jänkare med V8
Fast... Är det riktigt rätt där?
saxat från en wiki om oldsarnas diesel-v8or:
Diesel Differences;
The Oldsmobile diesel is believed by some to be a converted gasoline engine. While they share the same bore and stroke and some external bolt patterns (transmission and exhaust manifolds) they are quite different.
GM began with a substantially different bottom end when compared with its gasoline cousin.
* Diesel Blocks
o 3" diameter injection pump mounts are cast into the top of the lifter valley
o Camshaft nose modified to incorporate injection pump drive gear
o Block castings are much thicker and heavier. It's possible to overbore the cylinders by 0.125in without sonic testing.
o Solid heavy cast main webs were used.
o Reputedly GM used a higher nickel cast iron alloy for the block and heads.
* Diesel crankshafts
o Nodular Iron used in all Diesel cranks
o Main bearing journals increased to 3.000"
o Vibration damper modified to allow eccentric for crank-driven fuel lift pump
* Diesel Pistons and Rods
o Diesel rods are shorter at 5.886" long.
o Diesel pistons have large valve reliefs and steel inserts behind the first compression ring.
Fuel Systems;
* No OEM fuel/water separator was factory installed on any Olds Diesel.
* Crank eccentric driven fuel lift pump mounted in same location as gasoline fuel pump.
* Fuel line heater between lift pump and filter.
* Intake mounted 10 micrometre fuel filter.
* Stanadyne Roosamaster DB2 Mechanical Diesel Injection Pump.
* 1978-79 Pencil Injectors held in by clamp.
* 1980-85 Poppet injectors screw into head.
* The same 10 head bolt pattern as their smallblock gasoline cousins.
* The same exhaust manifold bolt pattern as their smallblock gasoline cousins.
* Have injector pre-chambers and glowplug bosses.
* Valve springs contained a vibration dampener with rotators.
* Head variations;
* Very early castings were stamped D3 and used 5/16" injector hold down retaining bolts and clamps.
* D3A castings were created a little later and used 3/8" injector hold down bolts and clamps.
* Both D3 and D3A heads accepted external EGR and Pencil Injectors.
* Some D3A heads accepted poppet injectors as well.
o D3B Later heads
+ All had Internal EGR
+ Pencil or Poppet Injectors
+ 1 or 2 locating dowels
Vet inte precis vad bensinarna hade för specs, men verkar väl inte bara vara en konverterad bensinare om det nu är så mycket som skiljer?
Hur som helst, finns det inget man kan göra för att förebygga de där felen? Hur tar man hand om klena lager på bästa sätt alltså? Och vad är dålig livslängd i det här fallet, jämför vi med en mercadiesel eller en gammal tvåtaktshoj som min RD tillexempel?
Men 6,2:an duger i vilket fall som helst? tips på bilar som brukar vara utrustade med den motorn?