"It’s not just that Tesla is making good, energy-dense batteries. They are also maximizing efficiency through aerodynamics, reducing weight, and refining equipment."
Tesla Model S Longrange: 2108kg tjänstevikt
Kia E-niro: 1864kg tjänstevikt
Kia E-Suol: 1807kg tjänstevikt
Kona Electric: 1685kg tjänstevikt
“They’re able to get more miles out of each kilowatt-hour,” he says. “They have shown the way for EVs. They’ve demonstrated that if you do this right, there are people who will want to buy it.”
Tesla Model S Longrange: 1.63kW/mil
Kia E-niro: 1.40kW/mil
Kia E-Soul: 1.41kW/mil
Kona Electric: 1.42kW/mil
Allt enligt WLTP