SVEMO kan glömma att bestraffa de som kör
SVEMO är iom sitt FIM medlemskap tvingade att följa deras regler och där återfinns följande:
Någon får gärna fråga SVEMO hur de ställer sig till detta?
SVEMO är iom sitt FIM medlemskap tvingade att följa deras regler och där återfinns följande:
The granting of a FIM Licence may not be refused if the candidate fulfils the
criteria of attribution established in the relevant regulations.
All FIM Licences are supplied by the Executive Secretariat and issued by the
FMN of the applicant, except where otherwise provided for in Article 7.2 of the
Financial Regulations.
The FIM or an FMN may:
– refuse to issue a FIM Licence for justifiable reasons. Any denial must be
notified in writing and state brief reasons.
– withdraw a FIM Licence following the pronouncement by the FIM of a final
disciplinary sanction.
The fact of taking part in meetings which are not authorised by the FIM or its
FMNs cannot justify a withdrawal of a licence.
During a meeting, the holders of FIM Licences may be required to present their licences to the FIM Chief Steward or the Jury President.
Någon får gärna fråga SVEMO hur de ställer sig till detta?