Lite studier om proteinintag:
Dagsintag av protein för styrketränande
Available evidence suggests that protein requirements are not likely elevated, if they are elevated at all, by substantial amounts in persons completing exercise of either a dynamic or resistive nature.
Ultimately, a debate on protein requirements appears to be moot for most athletes anyway, since their habitual intakes, particularly those of males, far exceed the RDA and even the most liberal estimates of requirement, which when estimated from existing nitrogen balance data in strength-trained athletes is ~1.3 g protein·kg–1·d–1 or ~1.1 g protein·kg–1·d–1 in endurance-trained athletes.
Protein i samband med träning
The anabolic effect of resistance exercise is enhanced by the provision of dietary protein.
We aimed to determine the ingested protein dose response of muscle (MPS) and albumin protein synthesis (APS) after resistance exercise. In addition, we measured the phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins thought to regulate acute changes in MPS.
Six healthy young men reported to the laboratory on 5 separate occasions to perform an intense bout of leg-based resistance exercise. After exercise, participants consumed, in a randomized order, drinks containing 0, 5, 10, 20, or 40 g of whole egg protein. Protein synthesis and whole-body leucine oxidation were measured over 4 h after exercise by a primed constant infusion of [1-(13)C]leucine.
MPS displayed a dose response to dietary protein ingestion and was maximally stimulated at 20 g. The phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase (Thr(389)), ribosomal protein S6 (Ser(240/244)), and the epsilon-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (Ser(539)) were unaffected by protein ingestion. APS increased in a dose-dependent manner and also reached a plateau at 20 g of ingested protein. Leucine oxidation was significantly increased after 20 and 40 g of protein were ingested.
Ingestion of 20 g of intact protein is sufficient to maximally stimulate MPS and APS after resistance exercise. Phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins was not enhanced with any dose of protein ingested, which suggested that the stimulation of MPS after resistance exercise may be related to amino acid availability. Finally, dietary protein consumed after exercise in excess of the rate at which it can be incorporated into tissue protein stimulates irreversible oxidation.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Dec 3. Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men.