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Gick med
22 Jun 2004
Ingen för tillfället
Öltillverkaren BrewDog ger bort två aktier till Donald Trump i julklapp, inkl. ett öppet brev.

"Seasons Greetings, Mr Trump.

My name is James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog, the fastest growing craft brewery in the United Kingdom (it’s the one on right-hand side of the Atlantic, where we all have tea with the Queen).

Anyway, to help BrewDog grow, back in the day we pioneered a revolutionary crowdfunding scheme called Equity For Punks, whereby beer fans from all over the world were granted the ability to invest in our company.

So far, over 35,000 of them have helped us take on bland, industrial beer – I imagine you may be familiar with that – and we now ship to 56 countries, employ more than 400 people, and operate amazing BrewDog craft beer bars on four continents (there are seven in total, Donald).

If you’re reading this and liking it so far, then I’ve got some great news.

You are our newest Equity Punk.


You see Donald, although I admire people in the world of business who are uncompromising in their ambition, all this Presidential stuff is nonsensical. To quote a great countryman of yours – you cannot be serious?

Building a massive wall to keep everyone out? Opposing same sex marriage? Insulting the disabled? Calling immigrants criminals and rapists?!

Your ideas are as misplaced as your hair, sir.

So you may well be wondering how – and why – you are our newest Equity Punk. The first of those is easy. We have made it simpler than ever to give the gift of BrewDog shares at Christmas.

You do believe in Christmas, don’t you – sitting there at the top of your Tower, which is probably not at all compensating for something?

You see, Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to your fellow man. I am making the gift of two Equity for Punks shares to you with a single aim in mind – that it will spark a desire in you to get back into business (locking yourself in your office, if necessary).

In turn hopefully you will give a gift to the rest of humanity – that you will stop trying to become leader of the free world. Please. Then we can all get on with our lives in that world filled with life, liberty and the pursuit of hoppiness.

Merry Christmas,




Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
12 Jan 2004
Area 08
Öltillverkaren BrewDog ger bort två aktier till Donald Trump i julklapp, inkl. ett öppet brev.

"Seasons Greetings, Mr Trump.

My name is James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog, the fastest growing craft brewery in the United Kingdom (it’s the one on right-hand side of the Atlantic, where we all have tea with the Queen).

Anyway, to help BrewDog grow, back in the day we pioneered a revolutionary crowdfunding scheme called Equity For Punks, whereby beer fans from all over the world were granted the ability to invest in our company.

So far, over 35,000 of them have helped us take on bland, industrial beer – I imagine you may be familiar with that – and we now ship to 56 countries, employ more than 400 people, and operate amazing BrewDog craft beer bars on four continents (there are seven in total, Donald).

If you’re reading this and liking it so far, then I’ve got some great news.

You are our newest Equity Punk.


You see Donald, although I admire people in the world of business who are uncompromising in their ambition, all this Presidential stuff is nonsensical. To quote a great countryman of yours – you cannot be serious?

Building a massive wall to keep everyone out? Opposing same sex marriage? Insulting the disabled? Calling immigrants criminals and rapists?!

Your ideas are as misplaced as your hair, sir.

So you may well be wondering how – and why – you are our newest Equity Punk. The first of those is easy. We have made it simpler than ever to give the gift of BrewDog shares at Christmas.

You do believe in Christmas, don’t you – sitting there at the top of your Tower, which is probably not at all compensating for something?

You see, Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to your fellow man. I am making the gift of two Equity for Punks shares to you with a single aim in mind – that it will spark a desire in you to get back into business (locking yourself in your office, if necessary).

In turn hopefully you will give a gift to the rest of humanity – that you will stop trying to become leader of the free world. Please. Then we can all get on with our lives in that world filled with life, liberty and the pursuit of hoppiness.

Merry Christmas,



Vilket trams. James, som lika bra kunde heta Jens och bo på Södermalm eller i Årsta, skulle bli halshuggen om sådana som Donald inte höll ordning.



Den enda lätta dagen är gårdagen.
Gick med
10 Jun 2008
KTM 690 smc-r -20
Igår köpte jag kött för 3500:- :) 1/8-dels ko till mig (Och kanske mina vänner/anhöriga.)

Här ska grillas chiliburgare, kokas texaschili och pullas beef som bara satan!


Gick med
22 Jun 2004
Ingen för tillfället
Vilket trams. James, som lika bra kunde heta Jens och bo på Södermalm eller i Årsta, skulle bli halshuggen om sådana som Donald inte höll ordning.

View attachment 425661

Motsäger inte att England har problem med islamisering, och att de (är duktiga på att) döljer det.

Men, Det har inte mycket med saken att göra, dessutom har USA duktigt med skit att hantera också, och en Trump i högsta position gör inte saken, USA eller världen bättre.

Han är ju inte ens en duktig affärsman...
Trump FICK omkring 40 miljoner dollar av sin far, 1974.
Vi snackar någonstans omkring 340 miljoner kronor, och sedan dess har ALLT hans arbete, tid och energi med pengarna gjort honom FATTIGARE än om han bara lagt dem på en indexfond...

Trump gick från 1 miljard till 4 miljarder, 1988 till idag.
Bill Gates gick från 1 miljard till 80 miljarder under samma period
Buffett 2,5 miljarder till 68 miljarder

Nej fan, USA och världen behöver verkligen inte Trump som POTUS.
Mänsklighetens bästa utfall i denna fråga är Bernie Sanders.

(Kanske dags för en egen tråd för USA's Presidentval 2016)


Den enda lätta dagen är gårdagen.
Gick med
10 Jun 2008
KTM 690 smc-r -20
Felanmälan till en fastighetsskötare på jobbet från en förskolepedagog/förskolelärare(eller dagisfröken, för oss som är födda före 1995) :

"Det drar kallt i mellangården här. Kan du komma och kika på det?"

Förskolan i fråga har en ljusgård mellan två huskroppar.
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