Moto GP Jerez Gran Premio bwin De Spania


Gick med
7 May 2013
Z1000, Laverda 1000 3C 120, Zündapp KS 70
MM kliver bara in i Mgp och visar ingen respekt, precis vad sporten behöver.
Kul med 3 segrare och 3 race och helt öppet. VR gör ett bra jobb men tror hans titelchans är minimal.


Gick med
6 May 2004
Ingen just nu
Det är synd att Cal inte levererar vid race - killen är ju riktigt snabb egentligen, han kan sätta riktiga rökartider.

Kolla testerna som pågår i Jerez...

Hade han haft Rossis förmåga att köra bra race hade han lätt varit en titelkandidat. Rossi ska inte vara före honom på race när man ser till "hot laps"... Crutchclow är en del snabbare, stundtals snabbare än Lorenzo tom.
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Gick med
9 Feb 2012
Beträffande omkörningen, de andra förarnas åsikter:

Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team

“It’s the final lap, it’s an aggressive move obviously. I guess if they hadn’t touched Marc would run out of track. So it means he was a little too late on the brakes. But you know - they touched in this certain point of the corner. It was kind of similar to turn one at the start in Austin, but I had time to see him coming. Just hope it doesn’t come again in the next ones.”

Colin Edwards, NGM Mobile Forward Racing

“It’s racing motorcycles isn’t it? You know, any time you’ve got this amount of people and you’ve got the passion….and especially Marquez. We’re in Spain! That kind of thing happens around here, it happens anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter whose side you’re on – take it or leave it – that’s racing motorcycles.”

Andrea Dovizioso, Ducati Team

“I think Marquez was quite aggressive, but I don’t think it was over the limit. But sure we have to just speak in the Safety Commission about that, just to be clear about the rules. I mean, everybody has to know how we can fight. But anyway, it was hard, but I don’t think over the limit.”

Valentino Rossi, Yamaha Factory Racing

“It’s a hard attack for sure, and a hard overtake from Marc. He touched Jorge, but it’s the last lap, the last corner, and sure the guy behind tries something. Jorge kept the door open and Marc went inside, so I think it’s something that can happen in racing. “


Gick med
31 Mar 2009
Ett par åsikter till om incidenten:

Cal Crutchlow, Monster Tech 3 Yamaha rider

At the end of the day, it's racing. I don't think Marquez did anything wrong. If Jorge had the opportunity, he'd do exactly the same. Marquez never rode into the side of him meaning to hit him. He ran a little bit deep, and Jorge was there, and that's it. You think Jorge has never run a little deep and ran into somebody? You think he won't for the rest of his career? At some point in racing it's going to happen. But if it happened to me, I'd probably be pissed off for half the slowdown lap, but then you've got to think about it in the sense of, I could have done it to somebody.

You don't think Marquez is a dangerous rider?

Not in any way, shape or form. No. He's a hard rider, there's a difference.

If you've got a load of bikes going round on a track at the same time, something's going to happen. As long as it doesn't happen in practice and qualifying, because there's no need for it then. But in the race, of course, you're battling. It's weird to race by giving each other positions and saying you're happy with third, because you're not happy with

Bradley Smith, Monster Tech 3 Yamaha rider

Racing incident. If you're going to leave the door open like that and invite someone through, at the end of the day, if you've come from 125 and Moto2, you learn that if a gap's shown to you like that, you take it. I mean we go for tiny gaps, so when it's that wide, you don't hesitate.

I don't think Moto2 is necessarily breeding a more aggressive type of rider, I think let's be honest, Jorge has been a world champion for a number of years from 250s, he's not had to race. When he catches someone, he passes them, he leaves them. Or he rides around on his own and disappears into the distance. You lose that last little bit of aggressiveness. Let's be honest, his last serious race, you're probably looking at 2005, Motegi? Where like it was tooth and nail, back and forth with De Angelis and Pedrosa and those boys. So that's what we're probably looking at. But at the end of the day, Marquez was looking a little bit lairy all race, was nearly in the back of him a few times.

At the end of the day, if you don't want someone to pass, you cover you're inside line. That's like the first rule of last corner. You're the one that takes the inside, if he wants to go round the outside, that's up to him.

Ganska kaxigt av BS med tanke på vem han pratar om.


Gick med
30 Sep 2005
Nån som kan spanska som kan översätta vad Lorenzo säger?


Karisma som ett järnspett.
Gick med
29 Aug 2007
790 Duke
"Let’s see what happens in the future and maybe this will improve me as a rider and I will be more aggressive like I was in 250s."

Detta gläder mig oerhört att höra Lorenzo säga. Allt är tråkigt just nu i MotoGP, efter Stoner lämnade finns ingen attitude. Att se Marquez ge allt han har och Lorenzo reagera överhuvud taget är ett under! Som någon sa tidigare, hade Stoner blivit påkörd hade det aldrig varit förlåtet, och Mackan hade troligtvis inte kommit undan med ett fingerpek! Mer sånt här så det blir lite liv i kistan. Det kommer stå mellan de tre musketörerna i år. (Pedro, Jörgen å Mackan)

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96


Gick med
22 May 2007
Marquez pappa ser omkörningen på teve...


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Karisma som ett järnspett.
Gick med
29 Aug 2007
790 Duke
Problemet som jag ser det med en sån gränsdragning blir att förare kommer börja "filma". Precis som i Fotboll eller till viss del i Ishockey. Minsta påkörning och man kan försöka använda det till sin fördel. Jag tror absolut inte på en sådan gränsdragning. Det måste få hända såna här saker, det är en del av sporten. I dagens samhälle är vi mer säkerhetsmedvetna än vad man var förr, men anledningen till att jag hyllar dessa människor är att de vågar hålla stumt på 3an på de mest bisarra delarna man kan tänka sig. För mycket säkerhet så tas en stor del av sporten bort. Det är få förare som kör på varandra på Isle of Man, just för rädsla av konskvenserna. Marquez hade aldrig gjort en sån chansning om han inte visste att "Om vi kör ihop så åker han ut en bit på asfalten och kanske i gruset men inte mer". Hade det varit en stenmur 2 meter utanför spåret hade han aldrig gjort det. Säkerhet är bra, men gränserna flyttas fram med säkerheten.
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